miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015


The teacher of Languague ,Andrea, give us the following work

Write an article for each one of the following headlines
- Queen´s lost jewels found
- Collision kills five
- Manchester wins cup

The queen was stolen by her husband and they are found. This cuple os very powerful that the only thing that they care is to have money. They are not in love they are together because together they feel more powerful. But the last week the queen won a lot of jewels in a lotey, so her husband felt inferior that her and he stold her jewers and hide in their garden of their castle. Finally , the police officers found them and her husband was send to the jail.

There was a collision in the General Paz, two cars and a motocycle. There are five deaths, two women, two men and a baby. This happend at 14:00 pm on Monday. The situation was like this: the person that was with the motocycle  was drunk and with no notion. He cross in a red light during the cars in the other hand were crossing and so they crushedand made a dissaster killing five people. The boy in the motocycle survive but now is in trial and doesn't go to jail.

A big sorpise appears, the Manchester won the cup. Is the first time that this team wins this cup. This happend the 20 of december at 3:00 pm. The people celebrate without stop until the next day. For Manchester is a new beginning , now it can be a real team. The next date Manchester is going to play with Barcelona the ex-best team in the world. If Manchester play and win is going to be the invictictfor many years

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