miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014


In the class of L/L writing , we have to describe a place that we want following the next teps acording the place that you choose:

  • Background information
  • Good points
  • Bad point
  • Things you can see and do
  • Conclution
Punta Cana belongs to Dominican Republic that is located in Central America and its official language is Spanish. Punta Cana  is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the North and the South by the Caribbean Sea. The climate is tropical and the temperature is around 25ºC and 30ºC. Also, their main economic activity is tourism.

I love swimming in the sea of Punta Cana. I also like scuba-diving and see all the marine fauna. I adore the tropical fruit that it has, the beautiful landscape and the white sand because it is soft as foot powder.

The thing that i deteste about this place, is that the sea is very boreing because there are not waves. Another thing is that you have to stay in the hotel because outside it isn`t safe.

There are a lot of thintgs that you can see and do in Punta Cana. For example you can surf, you can also fish, play with the dolphins and walk around the beaches. In this magnifict place you can see a lot of things. You can see a lot of palms, warm water and a lot of fauna.

Punta Cana is my favorite place that i have visited because there you can see things that here in Buenos Aires you can not

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