viernes, 15 de abril de 2016

The climates in the world

The temperature in Tundra is mostly cold and the winters are longers than summer. it`s only raises more than 0º in one month of the year.  This happens because of the location of it that is in subartic and artic areas. 

This biome that I will develop is parto of the group A according to Koppen. The Cold climates they have the temperatures variates. They has a lot of precipitation all the year and they have a lot of winter and a very shorts summers. 

The climate of the Monsoon it is a dry season and wet season and the season change by the wind direction.

 The Equatorial is part of the group and is located in Africa, South America, Malaysia, Indonesia and areas in Australia. In this biome the temperature in the day is around of 30 but in the night decrease and is around 20 and to talk about precipitations it has 200mm per year. 

 This biome is part of the group B according to Koppen. This deserts  are located in Australia, Mexico, Africa, Argentina, Pakistan, China, Usa and Iran and has very little rainfalls. The temperatures of this biome is around 35 and 45. 

To finish, I will talk about Savannah that is part of the group A. This biome is located in the South America. For that reason the range of their temperatures are between 68 to 86 , but in summer increase  and are between 78 to 86. Also has a precipitation of 100. 

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