miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014


In "The Strange Case of Dr.Jeckyll and Mr.Hyde", written by Robert Louis Stevenson, a man called Henry Jekyll had the idea to separate his good and bad side. For this, he created a potion but the results were not the expected. After creating the potion Mr.Hyde appeared and Henry Jekyll was not only Dr.Jekyll, he was also Mr.Hyde. He could not control his bad side, he should find a way or many people would be damaged. The author showed that everyone has a bad and good side as in this case Mr.Hyde and Dr.Jekyll.
Throughout the book, Dr.Jekyll was well known in London city. He was very smart, elegant and respected by everyone. Also, he was a scientist. When he created the potion he never thought the problems that would bring to him. Dr.Jekyll regreted making the potion, his bad side was not something he could control any longer. That bad side was called Mr.Hyde, he made disasters all over the city. The scientist Dr.Jekyll suffered the situation, friends from him were damaged by his own bad side and he could not do anything. No one should know his secret, if not he would be in serious problems. "I made this choice perhaps with some unconscious reservation", Dr.Jekyll said.
Mr.Hyde, on the other hand, did not feel anything that was not hatred. After doing his bad acts he was acting as nothing happened. He never regreted anything. He also took Dr.Jekyll's body at any time of the day. The evil creature made disasters all over London. Dr.Jekyll's friends, places, houses and a lot of people was suffering Mr.Hyde's crazy acts. People started searching for him but he was good and made it difficult. Mr.Hyde was full of hatred. The strange monster maybe did not realize what was he doing, he was made to be evil and the opposite from good. "The look of him, even in the distance, went somehow strongly against the watcher's inclination", the narrator said.
In "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde", the author showed that everyone has a bad and good side as in this case Mr.Hyde and Dr.Jekyll.They were the opposite. Things did not finish as Dr.Jekyll expected, probably he had to be more careful at the time of making the potion. Reading this book made me realized we have to be careful when we do such complex things.

miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2014


 Despues de el dibujo de formas geometricas.Luego, elegimos el dibujo de un compañero y escrbimos palabras relacionadas. Escribimos una historia y en base a eso hicimos un trabajo con formas geometricas y temperas.

 Elegi una palabra, mi palabra era conjunto y la representamos con formas geometricas con diferentes los tamaños y colores. Pintamos con lápices de colores. Mi  trabajo:

En la clase de plastica, tuvimos que buscar en internet una imagen de algo que nos identificara. Pensamos palabras relacionadas con nuestra imagen. Después con las palabras dibujamos cosas relacionadas con eso. Luego escribimos esas palabras que habíamos pensado relacionadas en el dibujo. Así formamos un caligrama. 

En este trabajo, está hecho con temperas y se basa en una palabra que Flor, nuestra profesora de Educación Artística, eligió para que representáramos. Mi palabra era explocion

Deespues hicimos un circulo cromatico, utilisando algunos colores y sus adyacentes para hacer un dibujo .

Por los veinticinco años del colegio , para la muestra de arte hicimos una instalación. Esta instalacion la hicimos en base a un poema sobre los valores del colegio. A continuación el poema...

Nuevo Mundo, Nuestro Mundo
De estos veinticinco años, sólo en los últimos doce
Estuvimos presentes en esta fuente de amor y respeto
Como el sol hace crecer a las plantas
Florecimos a través del conocimiento
Y fortalecimos nuestras raíces en cada rincón del colegio.

A pesar de ser diferentes hojas,
Todos partimos de la misma base
Aunque los problemas siempre están
La amistad los va a superar.

Somos una familia
Enorme y divertida
Gracias al amor y a la amistad
Nos tratamos con lealtad.

Sin importar que algunos se vayan
Y otros ocupen su lugar
Siempre su huella quedará
Así la unión permanecerá.

viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014


There was a mermaid in the middle of the street. Her name was Anne, she has long hair, with a beautiful and perfect nose. Anne was wearing a Scottish shirt with blue jeans. She was a prety girl. She has giant and beautiful green eyes and her cheeks were very red and her lips toó. She had a difficult life, se lost her family when she was a girl, a little one. She lived alone six years searching for her family. Until she ended on the street of London. She das lost. The only thing that she knew was in London, because of the old houses, the paved streets, and the elegant people that were walking around there. It was summer, a very hot day. She continued dragging for ten years. Dragging without water, without food, without anything. But one day. Pum!!! Someone catched her. Anne didn't know what was happening. She was scared. She was all black and she tired to breath, but she couldn't. She was trying to escape but for her It was impossible. Anne started to sing with her lovely voice in that big and dark place, but nobody listened.
Hours later, she fell in a enormous fishbowl. But It wasn't was a simple fishbowl, it was the fishbowl of the zoo. She felt very alone, not only because she was there. Years ago Anne lost her family because they were captured. One day, Anne was swimming in the fishbowl as usual, but in the moment a lot of mermaids fell in the fishbowl. It was Anne's family. At the beggining, she didn't realize that they were her family, but while the time , she started to have doubts of they were her family le not. So she went there and started to speak with that mermaid, that she supposed was her mother.
-"Hello. How are you?",Anne asked.
-"Hi, who are you? I'm Roseta" , she said.
- " Shall I help you?", Roseta asked.
-"Roseta , I'm your doughter!"
-"Anne?". Roseta asked surprised.
Anne immediately jumped and juged her mother. She and Roseta started to cry. Then Anne's family appeared, her father, her sister, her brother etc. In that moment Anne and her family started to enjoy their life.
At nigth, Anne explained how she survived their last six years in her life, and all the things  that she suffered. But there was another problems ,how they could escape outside the fishbowl. They had a plan , they expected to be edad. So when the man that cleaned the fishbowl saw then "dead", he catched then and threw outside the fishbowl to the ocean. But when he catched , he talked all the family except to Anne. So her family went to the ocean, except for her. And that was the last time she ever saw them.

domingo, 5 de octubre de 2014


Con las áreas de prácticas del lenguaje y plástica, intervenimos el colegio y luego con lengua y tic´s, nos sacamos una foto de cuerpo entero e intervenimos esa foto con las fotos de la intervención.

Acá esta mi imagen:

jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014

Finding Nemo

Nemo, by Andrew Stanton, is a wonderful movie. The director is Leen Unkrich. It is about a little fish that gets lost in the sea. His father, a clown fish, looks for him everywhere and he goes through amazing situations.

Everything begins when Nemo sees a boat in the middle of the sea, and gets nearer it and a man,who is catching fish, captures him. After that, his father starts looking for him, but he can not find him. While doing so, he comes across another fish called Dori who helps him find Nemo.

The characters in the movie are very interestingly designed. There are different kinds of fish, with different personalities. There are some sad moments in the movie, for instance, when Nemo gets lost.

I would recommend this movie because it is very interesting. You can watch it with your family, alone, or with children. I assure you that you are going to have fun watching it.

miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014


En la clase de plastica con la profesora Florencia Barletta , armamos en grupo una intervencion en diferentes partes del colegio. Aqui les dejo la nuestra

martes, 26 de agosto de 2014


I hate the day that I started to work like a ilustrator of comics, I had to listen to my father, he always told me "You will never do anything working as an ilustrator". He wanted me to be a lawyer as him but in that moment I was rebellious, I never listen to other people and  I always do what I want. But now look at me, I have turned into this thing, with a lot of hair and I ´m ugly. I hate my self. I will never forget the day that I turned into this monster. It was the worst day of my life. I remember that nigth, I dreamt with my last comic and my comic was about it a girl that was walking alone in the street , and in a moment she saw the sky and so a monster, very ugly , small and was like a small but, and inmidiatly when she saw it she transform in that creature. And that drem had been so real that I felt a lot of change in my body, I felt the pain of my fangs coming out and hurting my mouth, the bone of my arms break into many pieces formed this big wings. In that moment I got up, I look myself at the mirrow and I shouted but instead of my voice, a horrible screench came out of my mouth as this voice. In that moment I felt afraid of myself,  I felt very confused and very sad , I don´t know a fetl that i was nobody , I wanted to crey but I couldn´t. Slowly I got used to this body but my mind and sould can´t stand it any longer.

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

T.P Edad Media

En la clase de Historia estuvimos trabajando sobre la Edad Media. La Edad Media es un periodo que comenzó en año 476 con la caída del Imperio romano de Occidente y finalizó en  1453 con la caída del Imperio Bizantino. Una de las principales características de esta época fueron los feudos. En base a esta importante característica realizamos un trabajo práctico que consistió en buscar datos históricos sobre un feudo en particular, y en base a él desarrollamos las diferentes consignas dadas. Esta es la primera parte.

 Localización del Feudo:

Nuestro señorío se encuentra en Vizcaya. Vizcaya es una provincia de España y un territorio histórico de la comunidad autónoma del País Vasco, heredero del antiguo señorío de Vizcaya. Su capital es Bilbao.



Este es el escudo del señorío de Vizcaya que nosotros diseñamos. Cada símbolo tiene un significado diferente. Esos significados se relacionan con los diferentes valores que representan a nuestro señorío. A su vez los colores también forman parte de los valores del mismo.

Los colores: 

El dorado significa generosidad; mientras que el blanco o plateado significa la paz y la sinceridad; en tanto que el rojo significa guerrero, fortaleza y la magnanimidad; finalmente el azul significa la verdad y la lealtad.

Generosidad/Magnanimidad: Porque en este feudo tanto los señores feudales como los vasallos trabajaban juntos por el bienestar de todos.
Paz: Si bien se supone que los señores feudales amaban la guerra, en este feudo siempre se tendía a conservar la paz.
Sinceridad/Verdad: La mentira era uno de los delitos más castigados en estas tierras.
Guerrero: Tanto para proteger la paz como la tierra y a sus habitantes, siempre estaban dispuestos a luchar.
Fortaleza: Física y espiritual para trasmitir valores del feudo.
Lealtad/Fidelidad: A los señores feudales, a los vasallos, a las tierras y a Cristo estaban dispuestos a entregar sus vidas.

Los símbolos: 

Los anillos simbolizan la fidelidad; en tanto que las flores de lirio simbolizan la pureza; mientras que leones simbolizan el coraje impávido; finalmente las cruces simbolizan a Cristo y el cristianismo.

Pureza: De espíritu, gente simple viviendo simplemente.
Coraje: Audacia sin límite para defender sus creencias.
Cristo y Cristianismo: La religión profesada por todos sus habitantes.

viernes, 15 de agosto de 2014

Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde

I am going to share with you I letter that talks about the preparation of the potion of Dr.Jekyll.

June 28 1889
Dear Diary,
                   What a great day. I have finished!
I have finished my most difficult and valuable potion. I`m so happy that I can`t write, the words aren`t enougth to express what is happening to me now. I`m feeling relieved. Now it`s time to taste it and go on holidays. I`m very tired. I took me a lot of time to make this potion and so now I will enjoy what I have done and go on holidays. I`m scared about how the ingriedents will affect my body. They were a lot of ingriedents like eyes of snakes, eggs and some scientists subtances which I don`t remember their name. I`m very proud of me with this potion, I can separate my two personalities. On the one hand, the good side and on the other hand , the bad side. I hope my potion won`t make me addicted to drink it. Although, this could happen. I continue being happy, anxious to taste it, and proud of myself.

Good Bye

Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde

In the class of Vicky Gregov we have to write a  letter when Dr.Jekyll finally drinks his potion. Here I show you, my letter:
June 29 1889
Dejar diary,
I hace finally drunk it!
The potion has a very wonderful smell. Althougth you won`t relieve it. It smell like a perfume flowers in spring have. The taste was a horrible as the remedies that the doctor gave us. I hace a problem. I`m addicted to this potion , but  very addicted, I can`t control muy body, I try but it is very difficult. I need help and I don`t know who can help me. What I did is very dangeroues because the bad side is so evil that ir ma

miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014


In the class of L/L writing , we have to describe a place that we want following the next teps acording the place that you choose:

  • Background information
  • Good points
  • Bad point
  • Things you can see and do
  • Conclution
Punta Cana belongs to Dominican Republic that is located in Central America and its official language is Spanish. Punta Cana  is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the North and the South by the Caribbean Sea. The climate is tropical and the temperature is around 25ºC and 30ºC. Also, their main economic activity is tourism.

I love swimming in the sea of Punta Cana. I also like scuba-diving and see all the marine fauna. I adore the tropical fruit that it has, the beautiful landscape and the white sand because it is soft as foot powder.

The thing that i deteste about this place, is that the sea is very boreing because there are not waves. Another thing is that you have to stay in the hotel because outside it isn`t safe.

There are a lot of thintgs that you can see and do in Punta Cana. For example you can surf, you can also fish, play with the dolphins and walk around the beaches. In this magnifict place you can see a lot of things. You can see a lot of palms, warm water and a lot of fauna.

Punta Cana is my favorite place that i have visited because there you can see things that here in Buenos Aires you can not

martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

El agua en estado gaseoso

Para  Físico Química, tuvimos que fotografiar a un elemento en unos de sus tres estados. Yo elegí el elemento en estado gaseoso. Después tuvimos que  hacer un Glogster poniendo información  de la foto y del simulador que utilizamos en la clase.

viernes, 11 de abril de 2014

Mentir para decir la verdad

A partir del video visto en clase , responderemos las siguientes consignas:

 1)Se crece con la palabra, es parte de nosotros ;   es importante porque nosotros somos la palabra, nos ayuda a expresarnos. Tiene que ver con quienes somos

2)La palabra poética es la que derriba muros, dice lo que no dice.Una esprecion como ma palabra poetica ,no solo tiene un significado sino. Tambirn para expresar sentimientos , pensamientos ect. Y por ultimo sirve para conocer cosas. Nos hace conocer el mundo no otra manera, mas libre , divertida.

3)El silencio dice todo lo que ellos quieren decir. A traves de la mentira se puede la verdad y la única mentira amable es la de la literatura.

4)A partir de la mentira literaria se llega a decir la verdad.