Con los sellos ultimados en trabajos anteriores hicimos zapatillas para personalizarla
jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015
En esta clas , tuvimos que escoger fotos de donde estuvimos vacación ando y luego volcar la fotografía en nuestros trabajos. Acá les dejo los míos
Zapatos de Van Gogh
En una de las clases con Flor Barletta , tuvimos que copiar los zapatos de Van Gogh con la escala de blanco y negro
miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015
Life of Pi
In the class of E.L.T we saw the movie Life of Pi, and in Language we had to pic a topic of the movie and write something in conection with this.
This relationship between animals and humans is seen all along he story due to the fact his family has a zoo. Pi, main character, has a closer relation with a tiger of the zoo, called “Richard Parker”.
This relationship between animals and humans is seen all along he story due to the fact his family has a zoo. Pi, main character, has a closer relation with a tiger of the zoo, called “Richard Parker”.
Many people believe that a good relation with animals is a good idea despite on the fact they could protect you, also it could be a good accompany if you are alone. For example older people like to live with animals because they don’t feel completely lone.
On the other hand a lot people feel that it is a good idea to have animals but on the other hand some people think that is not a good idea to live with animals for the reason that it takes time to had animals. Furthermore some time it could be dangerous. For instance it is dangerous to have one, I you have a baby a baby for example.
As a result of this we can said that is a good idea to have animals nevertheless it could be dangerous. In my opinion even though it could be dangerous sometimes, however it is a pleasure to had animals.

On the other hand a lot people feel that it is a good idea to have animals but on the other hand some people think that is not a good idea to live with animals for the reason that it takes time to had animals. Furthermore some time it could be dangerous. For instance it is dangerous to have one, I you have a baby a baby for example.
As a result of this we can said that is a good idea to have animals nevertheless it could be dangerous. In my opinion even though it could be dangerous sometimes, however it is a pleasure to had animals.
The teacher of Languague ,Andrea, give us the following work
Write an article for each one of the following headlines
- Queen´s lost jewels found
- Collision kills five
- Manchester wins cup
The queen was stolen by her husband and they are found. This cuple os very powerful that the only thing that they care is to have money. They are not in love they are together because together they feel more powerful. But the last week the queen won a lot of jewels in a lotey, so her husband felt inferior that her and he stold her jewers and hide in their garden of their castle. Finally , the police officers found them and her husband was send to the jail.
There was a collision in the General Paz, two cars and a motocycle. There are five deaths, two women, two men and a baby. This happend at 14:00 pm on Monday. The situation was like this: the person that was with the motocycle was drunk and with no notion. He cross in a red light during the cars in the other hand were crossing and so they crushedand made a dissaster killing five people. The boy in the motocycle survive but now is in trial and doesn't go to jail.
A big sorpise appears, the Manchester won the cup. Is the first time that this team wins this cup. This happend the 20 of december at 3:00 pm. The people celebrate without stop until the next day. For Manchester is a new beginning , now it can be a real team. The next date Manchester is going to play with Barcelona the ex-best team in the world. If Manchester play and win is going to be the invictictfor many years
Write an article for each one of the following headlines
- Queen´s lost jewels found
- Collision kills five
- Manchester wins cup
The queen was stolen by her husband and they are found. This cuple os very powerful that the only thing that they care is to have money. They are not in love they are together because together they feel more powerful. But the last week the queen won a lot of jewels in a lotey, so her husband felt inferior that her and he stold her jewers and hide in their garden of their castle. Finally , the police officers found them and her husband was send to the jail.
There was a collision in the General Paz, two cars and a motocycle. There are five deaths, two women, two men and a baby. This happend at 14:00 pm on Monday. The situation was like this: the person that was with the motocycle was drunk and with no notion. He cross in a red light during the cars in the other hand were crossing and so they crushedand made a dissaster killing five people. The boy in the motocycle survive but now is in trial and doesn't go to jail.
The environment is going down
I wrote a essay of who the environment is getting more and more contaminate. So we have to save it now!. Enjoy us and help
Write your opinion on the following "unfortunately, young people are not interested in helping the environment"
Follow the plan in Close Up. Page 105
Use the useful expression and underline them. Use colours
Comparing and contrasting=3
Becoming more specific= 3
I cannot support the view that all the teenagers are in this way, some do good things,in constrast, to most of them to help the world. I strongaly disagree with the view of some people, that they are the onlyones that don't help the environment.
To conclude, we all have to help our environment, not only for us if not there is not return. So, let's atarte helping our world how to protect us, specifically to our descenders
jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015
Au café
Aprés le travail sur les aliments et les boissions, nous proposons des dialogues au restaurant et nous cherchons des informations sur des restaurants de Paris.
Bonjour, madame
La carte s´il vous plait
Voilá la carte
Je veux un café et elle veut un jus d'orange avec du gâteau au chocolat.
(10 minute aprés)
Voilá le café, le jus d'orange et le gateau
(30 minutes plus tard)
L' addition, s'il vous plaît.
Bonsoir madame
Vous pouvez m'apporter la carte, s'il vous plaît.
Oui ( 2 minutes plus tard)
Vous prenez une entrée?
C'est possible une soupe du jour? avec un jus de pomme?
Une soupe du jour. Bien sûr!!
Et pour mon amie un melon avec de'l eau minérale.
Três bien
(20 minutes plus tard)
Qu´est-ce que vous voulez comme plats?
Je voudrais du poisson avec une salade verte
Et pour mon amie un hamburger avec des frites
Et comme boisson, un coca et du dus d´orange
Vous prenez un dessert?
Oui , merci
Je veux une mousse au chocolat. Elle ne veut pas de dessert , elle veut un café
( 10 minutes plus tard)
Vous pouvez m'apporter l'addition plus tard?
El café de la Paix es un famoso café y restaurante situado en el IX Distrito de Paris, en el cruce del Bulevar de las Capuchinas y la Plaza de la Opera. Es obra del arquitecto Charles Rohaut de Fleury, que es también el autor del Grand-Hôtel de la Paix, del que este café formaba parte.
La Paris es uno de los restaurantes más tradicionales y antiguos que nos propone el Hipódromo de Palermo, inaugurado en 1912. Con la impronta del barrio y el abrazo del predio, La Paris se destaca en primer lugar por su fachada, que nos da una idea del sentido arquitectónico que hay detrás. Con un estilo afrancesado y neoclásico, incluso fue reconocido como patrimonio histórico de la ciudad. Y al ingresar, la modernidad del espacio nos deja maravillados, la cual convive con detalles que han permanecido a la remodelación de su centenario. Dentro de ese marco imponente, su chef Jean Paul Bondoux nos ofrece una carta que recorre los mejores exponentes de la cocina gourmet, con toques de inspiración francesa.
viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015
Lleguemos a cero!!
Es un Programa Conjunto de las Naciones Unidas sobre el VIH/SIDA, La Secretaría del ONUSIDA tiene su sede en Ginebra y hace sus deberes en más de 75 países. Sus objetivos son detener las muertes por VHI sida, detener la expansion de la enfermedad y hacer que las personas dejen de discriminar a las personas que tienen esta enfermedad.
El video se llama de esta manera debido a que son una organización que tratan de acabar con la enfermedad, la discriminación
Es un Programa Conjunto de las Naciones Unidas sobre el VIH/SIDA, La Secretaría del ONUSIDA tiene su sede en Ginebra y hace sus deberes en más de 75 países. Sus objetivos son detener las muertes por VHI sida, detener la expansion de la enfermedad y hacer que las personas dejen de discriminar a las personas que tienen esta enfermedad.
El video se llama de esta manera debido a que son una organización que tratan de acabar con la enfermedad, la discriminación
Esta en nuestras manos
En esta imagen podemos observar una imagen sobre un preservativo que esta lleno de imágenes relacionadas con la salud, también podemos observar un texto en el que nos aconsejan hacernos un test aver si tenemos la enfermedad y también que utilicemos un preservativo para prevenirla, ademas esta en nuestras manos promover la precaución sobre este tema
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